03 Aug

OUN – Galactic Dialog


De Ja Vu.  Tumblegum Farm, Perth. New Years Eve 1992. 6am-ish.  I remember the sun rising. The end of the night.  The beginning of the year. Dusty dirty ravers worn out. Tired, but still wanting to dance.  Big smiley faces. Happy faces.

Andy Cooper – Bring It To Me

Andy Cooper of Hip Hop group Ugly Duckling, has spread his wings for a solo project. On his new album The Free EP,  the first release, ‘Bring It To Me’, Andy has sampled James Brown – I need Help  Loving it!

Even better, as the album title suggests, this album is FREE!  If you sign up to Andy’s newsletter you get a link for the free download.  You know you wanna….  The Free EP

Fat Freddy’s Drop – Razor

The boys with the midas touch are back!  Two years after their previous album release ‘Blackbird’, Fat Freddy’s Drop new album ‘Bays’ was released yesterday & it’s utterly fabulous! (Duh..)

This album hits a stronger strain of dark dub infused rhythms than previous releases. The tune ‘Razor’ has a real Depeche Mode feel about it. They just cannot do wrong in my eyes. Love!!